Monday, December 9, 2013


January Morrison Psychic Files Series 1

She can see them, and they her...

The Dead Can Talk.

January can talk to those who have died, a gift she'd inherited from her mother's line. For some, this gift may be a dream, but for January, it is a horrifying reality.

The gift started years ago, when in high school, January's best friend Lori sneaked out for a romantic tryst and never returned. Visited by Lori's spirit, January helped the police find Lori's body. Yet afterward, suspicion and fear clouded the minds of her friends and her community, and she and her family were ridiculed and ostracized.

Ten years later, the FBI asks for her help in finding a missing young woman Lori’s age. The case reminds her of that horrific night years ago—so January knows she has to help.

One of the agents is Det. Ashton Sterling, a man who seems fascinated with her peculiar talent. And when his eyes focus on her, she feels alive.

Is she ready to let him into her life? Having been rejected so many times before, is she willing to risk his rejection?

And has she found a special gift in Agent Sterling that someone like her can only dream about—the promise of true love?


THEY WERE already kissing when January fumbled the door open. They fell against it, their mouths melting together, their tongues exploring.

She had wondered since she first laid eyes on Ash what it would be like to kiss him, and the reality was so much sweeter than she could have dreamed.

He was kissing her all over, stroking the back of her neck, nuzzling her lips, her ears. She leaned her neck back for more, loving the heat of his lips on her body, giving herself up to the sensations. He picked her up and she wound her legs around him, feeling light as a feather in his arms.

He carried her into the bedroom and placed her gently on her back in the bed.

"How did you know which door it was?" she asked, between kisses.

"Detective," he said, his mouth too busy to say much more. He moved his hands under her blouse, sliding upward to her full breasts, kneading them as he cupped each one. His hands moved behind her back and unhooked her bra in one smooth gesture. His fingertips slipped underneath and brushed her erect nipples lightly, sending shocks of pure pleasure through her body.

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January Morrison Psychic Files 1

A life is hanging in the balance and time is running out!
But when the dead aren't quite dead, what is January to do?

January Morrison, known for her psychic abilities in connecting with loved ones who have died, has been asked for help by two FBI agents, one a handsome, enigmatic man named Ashton Sterling.

A young girl, Lianna Morgan, has disappeared and is feared dead. But are January's psychic abilities enough when it comes to saving a life—especially if the person may still be alive?

As she struggles to keep the connection to find out where the kidnapper is keeping Lianna, January can't help but fall for the incredibly sexy and mysterious Agent Sterling.

But time is quickly running out, and finding Lianna is more important. Love will have to take a backseat. Can January save Lianna before it is too late?


THEY WERE already kissing when January fumbled the door open. They fell against it, their mouths melting together, their tongues exploring.

She had wondered since she first laid eyes on Ash what it would be like to kiss him, and the reality was so much sweeter than she could have dreamed.

He was kissing her all over, stroking the back of her neck, nuzzling her lips, her ears. She leaned her neck back for more, loving the heat of his lips on her body, giving herself up to the sensations. He picked her up and she wound her legs around him, feeling light as a feather in his arms.

He carried her into the bedroom and placed her gently on her back in the bed.

"How did you know which door it was?" she asked, between kisses.

"Detective," he said, his mouth too busy to say much more. He moved his hands under her blouse, sliding upward to her full breasts, kneading them as he cupped each one. His hands moved behind her back and unhooked her bra in one smooth gesture. His fingertips slipped underneath and brushed her erect nipples lightly, sending shocks of pure pleasure through her body.

Only $2.99 at:



January Morrison Psychic Files 2

January realizes that her gift can save lives...

until she calls for someone who is on the brink of death.

January is once again called in by the FBI to help in another case of saving innocent victims, this time from the clutches of a criminal known as 'The Matchmaker'.

But it isn't as simple as just calling a victim's ghost for information. The notorious gangster who preys on innocent young Russian women and brings them to America to become sex slaves also happens to be very dangerous.

Will January be able to save lives again this time? Will ghosts be able to help her?

And after finally finding the one man who can truly love her for what she is, does she have to endure seeing him die? Because the gift that helps her save lives is also the one thing that will surely drive Ash to his death.


She must have dozed off because, when the phone rang, it was a fire alarm. There was a fire. She was trying to get out or to get to someone but she didn’t know whom; or where they were. The alarm rang and rang. She sprang up and stared at the phone, not understanding why it was making noise. “Hello?”

There were a few long seconds of silence. “January.” Carrie’s voice sounded so cold and flat she barely recognized it. “Carrie, what is going on? I’ve been waiting all day!” The line was silent. If January didn’t know Carrie better, she would have thought she was trying to control herself.

“January, Ash is…” She broke off. January’s stomach started doing flips. “What, Carrie? Ash is what?”

“He… we lost him. He got taken during the raid."

Only $2.99 at:
Barnes and Noble



The January Morrison Psychic Files 3

When duty calls from beyond reality, there's no saying no


The dead never rest… even when the living are exhausted.

After the harrowing ordeal of the Matchmaker case, January would love nothing more than to forget about crime-solving and death, and concentrate on helping Ash recover from his physical and mental wounds.
n when January receives a strange visit from a dead man with a terrible secret, and his living son – an innocent child in the wrong place at the wrong time. As the case unfolds, January stumbles on a vast corporate conspiracy that holds the little boy in its crosshairs.

January can’t refuse the family’s plea for help, even though Ash senses the case might be more dangerous than she understands. Soon the stakes are skyrocketing as the boy’s relationship with his father forces Ash to confront demons out of his own past. As their investigation continues, the case threatens to destroy everything January and Ash have worked so hard to protect – their relationship, their peace of mind…

…even their very lives.


When he saw her, he went still and put the notepad away. He didn’t say anything, just watched her come toward him.

She sat down in the chair where Lianna had sat only an hour before.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

He gave the question some serious thought. “Like I was beaten and drugged. And then subjected to all manner of medical indignities.”

She smiled. “Right. Dumb question.” She wanted to say so much more, but she didn’t know where to begin. Everything that came to mind seemed like a silly understatement.

She began to talk, sloppily, haphazardly. All the fear of losing him, the joy of having him back, everything she was feeling fought to come out of her all at once. “You know, when they got you out, I thought you were already dead. Agent Langley said you weren’t breathing. Wow, found out some things about that guy I didn’t need to know. And then, Lianna…she’s amazing. Actually I tried to reach you first, but then I almost killed you, sorry about that…”



“I love you.

Only $2.99 at:
Barnes and Noble



The January Morrison Psychic Files 4

Death brought them together


She never thought it would get so out of control.

January’s investigation of a local pharmaceutical giant races to a tense conclusion as she fights to keep a dead whistleblower’s secret out of the clutches of deadly corporate criminals. Will she stand them off, save a boy’s life, and bring down the Horizon conspiracy? Or will she be defeated by forces deadlier than she can understand, endangering herself and the man she loves?

As the mystery unfolds, January is forced to face the dark reality of her relationship with Ash. Just when she thinks she has accepted the danger and cruelty of his job, the Horizon investigation surprises her with new revelations of fear and violence. How can so loving and gentle a man be capable of such brutal things in the name of duty? Will January always take second place to Ash’s first love – his job?


They stopped at a light, and he turned to her. His face was grim.

“You underestimated Horizon from the beginning, and I let you,” he said. “If something had happened to you, I would have been responsible.”

He turned back to the road. “You’re not going to do something like this again. Not while I’m around.”

January stared at him, her heart thundering with a sudden, beautiful terror. This man who handled a gun as easily as a toothbrush, who could break a man’s nose without changing stride, who had seen and survived things that gave him nightmares… was the same man who could make her laugh with a sardonic lift of his eyebrow, who had stayed up nights reading to her when she was sick, who liked to sit behind her and brush her long hair slowly, over and over as he watched her face in the mirror…

A wave of astonished dizziness tore through her as she realized it didn’t matter anymore what he was, what he did. She loved this strange, fierce, gentle, silent, beautiful, steel-eyed man more than she had ever loved anything in her life.

She belonged to him now.

Only $2.99 at:
Barnes and Noble


The January Morrison Psychic Files 5

January and Ash go their separate ways...


Before long they are forced together again by a series of bizarre murders in which the killer turns his victims into shocking works of human art. Eager to distract himself, Ash tackles the case with his usual determination, but it’s no use. The facts of the case inevitably lead him back to January, forcing the two of them to a painful confrontation.

Things take an eerie turn as January’s psychic abilities once again pull her into the middle of the investigation, and force her to take an unflinching look at her love for Ash and her own unique destiny.

Soon, she and Ash are at the center of the killer’s deadly game. January finds herself the lone keeper of information that can save Ash from a danger he doesn’t even know exists. Can she get to him before she loses everything she loves?

Once again, January must search herself for the strength to face what she alone can do – act as a link between life and death.


He looked at her with a small smile. “But at least I know my death will transform a few more people. Too bad I won’t be able to paint them.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

He looked up at her. “Whoever finds me is going to die.”

She shivered. “Why? What did you do?”

He ignored her and started to chuckle again. “I just had no idea it would be the man who loves the angel.”

“Stop calling me that!” she shouted at him.

“You know, I’m actually doing both of you a favor by killing him,” Drew went on. “He’s just a human being and you’re so much more. Your love would have destroyed him.”

January blanched, her jaw set. “You don’t know anything about us.”

He leaned toward her. “I know angels can’t love – that’s what makes them so perfect. They’re immune to all the little diseases of the spirit that human beings put themselves through.” His face grew ugly. “Are you even going to feel anything when he dies? How long before you start fucking someone else?”

She balled her fists. “Just tell me what is going to happen to him.”

Drew gave her an annoyed look. “The same thing that would have happened anyway – just a little sooner. Did you think he would live forever?”

Only $2.99 at:
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